Thursday, September 28, 2006
Current countdown:
1h 47 min to 29o9o6.
Guess what. It's my birthday tomorrow. (:
So if you've read this, wish me happy birthday. Rofl. xD
Okay, so...
Where's my present? >.<
♥ [[§igni]]
10:19 PM
Monday, September 11, 2006
Ah, it's back to school after a one week's break. Nice start for Term 4, I can say. No problem today, and it's back to Mr. Lee for Science! Yay! =x For bowling, it's the last lesson. [Aww.] So sad right, how I wish got 10 lessons in total, then can bowl more. Anyway, loved today's bowling lesson, played 3 full games in total. Here are my scores for each game:
1st Game - 92
2nd Game - 114
3rd Game - 137 [TURKEY! aka 3 consecutive strikes.]
Shiok right. Turkey seh, first time getting in my lifetime. =x Broke my personal record too, and Yuheng owes me something for getting it. Rofl. xP
Then now just reach home, experiencing some problems with Windows Live Messenger, cause I can't seem to login. -.=
Also, I just went to HabboSG homepage, and realised that HabboX applications are out! Like OMG! It's finally here! After waiting for like 9-10 months, that is. =x
Anyway, hope I manage to be a HabboX, that's my main goal since I started playing :Significance, my 2nd Habbo. :D
Still trying to login Windows Live Messenger, so wish me luck. xD
♥ [[§igni]]
6:10 PM
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Back from my trip to Genting with my family! Reached Singapore last night at about 9 plus, then took taxi back home.
Anyway, here are some pictures I took over there, my apologies, I forgot to take pictures until the last day. =x
Here goes nothing...
At the entrance of the outdoor theme park: [P.S - It sure was fun!]

I bought a new sweater! Woot!

Some stuff I ate halfway:

What I used to clean my mouth: [Nice eh? :l]

That's all! [Told ya already, I forgot to take pictures, so don't complain. =x]
Tomorrow's back to schooling days. More work coming up after a one week break! ;(
Still figuring some HeyMath questions, so that's all for now, ta-da!
♥ [[§igni]]
9:33 PM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
REAL tiring AND bored today, cause of the NJRC [National Junior Robotics Competition]. Started off in school which we had to reach by 7am, but about 4 people came late and had to go to the Singapore Science Centre via MRT themselves. Ahaha, serves them right. >:)
Anyway, it sure was crowded by the time we reached the Singapore Science Centre, and we immediately went to register at the counter so that we could get to our own team booths as soon as possible.
Haiish, overall, NJRC was a dumb competition this year, cause MANY teams got "0" for their score. =x Wasn't any different for our team either, ROFL. :l
After competition, we took school bus back to school to keep the lego sets and finally reahed home at about 7.30pm. T-T
♥ [[§igni]]
7:42 PM